USAC/CRA Sprints
USAC/CRA Sprints

USAC/CRA Sprints

So-Cal Showdown At Perris Auto Speedway


So-Cal Showdown At Perris Auto Speedway

How many lows and highs can you pack in 1 night of racing??!! Saturday night at Perris Auto Speedway was a roller coaster ride for sure! And when the evening starts off on a low, there’s’ only one way to go from there…..
Race fans packed the grandstands at Perris Auto Speedway as The Pas, celebrating it’s 20th year – hosted The World of Outlaws and The USAC/CRA Non Wing Sprinters all in one evening at The So-Cal Showdown!
Prior to any event the Moose Crew opts to fire off the Moosemobile – never know what gremlins could of crept into the shop prior to any event. And it’s such a blessing that this has gotten to be a ritual. The push truck is behind the 92 sprinter and begins to push – pop, the truck backs off before the car really is under power – okay, better try this again. This time it’s pop pop sputter – what the heck??!! Yeap, that garage gremlin had popped in over the past couple weeks – crew located the concern and the car is fired again- better, but dang, still not right!! Fleeing into action pull a couple parts off the spare car – and 3rd times a charm!!! Under power and ready for hot laps. With 27 cars on hand, Jake rolls out 11th to qualify – WOW!! He’s the fastest so far!! The remaining cars hit the track – and Jakes time stands. It’s Quick Time for Jake!!!
Outside the 3rd row for the start of the 1st Heat race. But wait – where’s Jake? He’d coasted back to the work area – the Moosemobile didn’t fire again… Now what?
During the break between qualifying and the heat the crew had decided that it was better to play it safe and replace the part the they had temporally repaired – it was a distributer cap and rotor. They had replaced the rotor originally, leaving the cap that had occurred some damage too…. Better be safe and since there was time, replace the whole unit. Whoever would think that the new cap was going to be a problem. SO, missing the Heat race – Jake would have to run the B Main. Put the damaged cap back on and cross your fingers that this would work. From low to high, back to low, and now what would happen – would the teams persistence pay off - 2nd place finish in the B securing a 4th row starting position for the A Main. The drop of the green and it’s game on. After several hard fought laps with Damion Jake had placed himself in 4th. Firmly in 4th and gaining on the top 3 – there’s a red flag for an upside car coming out of turn 4 with 7 laps to go. Let’s do this!! With all the cars that toured The Pas dirt, the cushion in turns 1 & 2 had built up and was rearing it’s ugly head – hitting that cushion just a tad bit wrong, found the Moosemobile parked on the track, not a lot of damage until another competitor who was running towards the back of the pack apparently didn’t see the yellow flag or hear the officials on the radio announcing the yellow and plowed right into the back of the Moose Racing 92 car causing major damage to the rear of the car.
Moral of the story – the thrill of victory versus the agony of defeat! Highs and Lows, that’s the story line of motorsports.
But you can bet Jake and Moose Racing 92 will be back in action at The Pas May 2nd and then on to Ventura Speedway May 9th for a spectacular event hosted and Promoted by Mike from All Coast Construction. –
…. Look for a possible surprise from Moose Racing at the
Ventura May 9th race….
…. And don’t forget to get ahold of Laurie about Moose Night at
Perris Auto Speedway June 13th….

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