Help Desk

File Manager

Information about the File Manager used to select and upload photos or videos on your site.

Uploading Photos

Uploading photos is done in the Select section of the File Manager. Click on the green "Upload New" button above the left hand navigation to select photos.

Heads up! All photos should be at least 250px x 150px

Single File Upload

When adding a photo to a piece of site content that only allows one photo you will be shown the Single File Upload form. Here you can select a gallery to add the photo into (used to organize your photos to find later) and a File select box.

Click the "Browse" button in the file selection box. This will open a dialog for you to browse to and select the file.

There are two styles of photo uploading: Single File and Multiple File

Single File will be used whenever you are allowed 1 photo for the placement (Link, Crew, Staff, etc).

Multiple File will be used when you are allowed multiple photos for the placement (Gallery, Merchandise, etc)

Optional Tagging

If your site allows it, there will be a "Tag Items" section located to the left of the file selection area. Here you can select tags to be applied to your photo. Select any tags that apply to your photo. If you wish to remove a tag simply click the red "X" to the right.

Once you have selected a file and its tags click the "Upload" button to upload the file to your site. You will then be taken to the "Organize" tab with your newly uploaded photo shown. See Organizing Information

Multiple File Uploading

When you are uploading photos where more than 1 file is allowed, the Multiple File Up-loader will be used. Here you can select a batch of files to upload and tag simultaneously.

Heads up! Not all browsers support Multiple File Uploading.

Optional Tagging

If your site allows tagging, a "Tag Items" section will appear on the left of the File Manager. Select tags that apply to ALL the photos to be uploaded. Once the upload completes the tags will be automatically applied to all photos.

Selecting Files

Click the "Select Files to Upload" button to open the file selection dialog. Here you may browse to your photos and select all you would like to upload and click the "Open" button.

Uploading will start right away. Once complete each of the selected files will turn green.


Once you have finished uploading photos you can go to Current > Organize to review, tag, or re-arrange your photos, or simply close the File Manager by clicking the "X" in the top right.


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