Help Desk

Schedule/Results (All)

Basic overview of the schedule/results management for driver, track, and association websites and MRP Profiles.

Importing Results from Westhold's Race Manager

This will show how MyRacePass can connect with Westhold’s Race Manager to automatically send result files to your website.

To begin open the “Edit Results” section of your event.

Click the “Get Code” button in the “Import” tab of the driver search. This will open a window with a connection code for your event. All codes will expire after 24 hours.

Open the MyRacePass - Race Manager Integration program on the computer Race Manager is installed on. Enter the connection code here, and select the folder where you will be saving all the race files to. We recommend creating a new folder for each night of racing and saving all files name “Class Race”. Example: “410 Heat 1”

Once you are connected and have a file path, click the “Go” button. The program is now waiting for race files to show up in the File Save Path. Once files are saved in the path, we will automatically send the files to your website.

In Race Manager, after a race is completed, save the file in the folder selected earlier. As soon as a new file appears in the folder, we check it, and send to the website.

The race files will automatically appear in the “Imports” tab on your website. If the “Auto Refresh” button is checked, we will look for new files every few seconds.

Clicking on a file will open up the import wizard. Here you can verify the results and add any additional information. We will match any car numbers from your entry list to the car numbers in the uploaded file.

Clicking “Process” will process the results and make them live on your site. We also save all lap times and drivers will have the ability to lookup their laps for each event. The recently processed file will also be removed from the Imports tab.

Now the system just waits for the next files to be saved, uploaded, and processed.


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