Five Flags Speedway
2016 Bomber Rules
2016 Bomber Rules
The rules and/or regulations set forth herein provide for the orderly conduct of racing events and to establish minimum acceptable requirements of such events. These rules shall govern the condition of all such events. All participants are deemed to have complied with these rules. No expressed or implied warranty of safety shall result from publications of or compliance with these rules and/or regulations. Rules are intended as a guide for the conduct of the sport and are in no way a guarantee against injury or death to a participant.
* Speedway Officials shall be empowered to permit minor deviations from any of the specifications herein or impose any further restrictions that in his/her opinion does not alter the minimum acceptable requirements. No expressed or implied warranty of safety shall result from such altercation of specifications.
*Speedway reserves the right to update, modify, and/or delete rules at any time deemed necessary to insure safety, fair competition or any other reason that may be appropriate.
*Any interpretation or deviation of these rules is left to the officials. Any decision of and by Speedway Officials is final.
*Unsportsmanlike-like conduct can carry a minimum $100.00 fine and/or suspension. Any and all fines will be added to the point's fund at the end of the racing season.
*This is an entry-level class of racing. All parts of the vehicle must be OEM stock for your vehicle. Parts cannot be altered or moved. If your vehicle did not come with a certain item, you MAY NOT use them on your vehicle.
A. All glass must be removed except for the front windshield. Lexan or expanded metal is approved. If expanded metal is used, full face helmet with shield is required.
B. All upholstery must be removed, except dash and components.
C. Helmets and full fire suit (top and bottom) and gloves required at all times. Neck collars are mandatory. Head and neck restraint recommended.
D. Roll cage must have roll bar behind driver’s head of four point roll cage. Minimum of Four (4) bars in driver’s door and a maximum of three bars through front firewall (optional) and maximum of two bars through rear firewall (mandatory).
E. All cars must have a five point approved safety harness.
F. All cars must have a fire extinguisher with a gage in reach of the driver.
G. All cars must have bar behind the seat for support. Racing seats are optional, but must mount to roll cage.
H. All cars must have a window net.
I. Drivers compartment must be sealed from trunk area.
J. No racing radios.
K. Gas pedal and cable maybe replaced with aftermarket pedal and rod.
L. Steering column may be replaced with straight shaft and must have at least one u joint outside of firewall excluding the one on steering box.
A.1969 or newer
B. No Camaros, Mustangs, Firebirds, Novas or GT type cars.
C. 108" minimum wheelbase
D. All exterior chrome, headlights, and molding must be removed.
E. All doors must be chained or welded shut
F. Car body must be maintain original configuration, size and shape. (Plastic aftermarket nose and tail pieces allowed where available)
G. Exhaust pipe must run to the back of driver’s seat. Maximum diameter 2� OD.
H. Hood and trunk latches may be disabled and replaced with hood pins.
I. No bracing of any kind.
J. Doors may be hulled for roll cage but not excessively, leave hinges and latches.
K. One bar allowed in front of radiator only. Same width as frame.
Engine and Drive Train
A. All cars will be required to have a MSD Soft Touch Rev Control with 5400 RPM Chip mounted on right side dash.
B. Engines and all components must be OEM STOCK for make, model and year of car and meet OEM specifications. GM cars may substitute stock 350 engines in place of 305 but must within same year range. Oil pan must have 1" inspection plug in line with Crankshaft casting number and (52 pound minimum weight on crankshaft)
C. Maximum allowable compression 165 pounds
D. Melling CCS-2 is the only cam legal for gm cars and must be installed on 108 (+or- 3 degrees) intake centerline. Minimum 20 inches of vacuum at 1000 rpms or subject to tear down.
E. Transmission and rear end must be for make, model and year of car. Minimum 11� diameter Torque Converter. Automatic’s turbo 350 only no overdrive’s and no lockup convertor’s. Clutch weight minimum weight is 36 pounds.
F. May remove all A/C components.
G. Engine, transmission and rear end must be in stock location.
H. No anti-freeze.
A.All shocks and suspension parts must be OEM for your car, in stock location. Minimum ride height ride height is 8 ½� (No Tolerance). Must use stock springs with no shims or any other height adjusters. No racing springs. No racing or high performance shocks allowed.
B. Large studs may be used with one-inch (1") lug nuts.
C. Excessive shimming of spider gears will not be allowed. Tires must be able to rotate with 15 foot pounds of torque with one tire on ground.Cars utilizing an automatic may run up to a 4.56 final gear in rearend and standards may only use up to a 3.73 final gear in rearend.
D. Must have 4 wheel working brakes.
F. Stock sway bar bushings and bolts both sides but can be 1� different in height for adjustability.
Tires and wheels
A. Only 225-235, 70 DOT street tires. 15" only.
B. Stock steel wheels or steel spoke wagon wheels, 7.5" maximum width. Stock offset.
C. No Michelin tires. No speed rated tire higher than T
D. Tire treating is not permitted. Any tires detected to be treated, treating equipment; treating liquids, etc. will be cause for the driver, crew chief, and car owner to be asked to leave the speedway property immediately. There will be no refunds nor winnings paid for that event.
E. Camber: Front rim and wheel cannot exceed 2" difference in top and bottom of rim.
F. Coleman safety hubs will be allowed on RF only. (Not LF so don’t even ask)
Fuel Cell
A. Must use stock gas tank or fuel cell.
B. Fuel cell must be securely mounted in center of trunk in steel container.
C. A single nerf bar is required behind fuel tank
Claim rule
A. The top four finishers in the feature are subject to an engine claim by a driver finishing fifth or back, still running on the lead lap. The driver claiming must provide $1500.00 Cash. ($250 which is non refundable)
B. Failure to honor claim will result in automatic disqualification and suspension. All claims must be presented in writing to head tech official before start of feature, along with cash.
C. Promoter has the option to claim the winning engine for $1500.00 and auction engine at the end of the event.
D. Officials reserve the right to confiscate illegal parts.
E. 3 disqualifications will result in loss of all points and season suspension.
F. Track reserves the right to move a driver to a higher division.
A. Only drivers may protest. Protesting drivers and protested cars must have finished in the top ten and be on the lead lap. All protests must receive an approval of the pit officials. Spite protests and unsportsmanlike-like protests will not be accepted.
B. All protests must be submitted to pit officials in writing within 10 minutes of feature race completion, and be accompanied by $250.00 CASH. The driver who wins the protest will receive $225.00.
C. Driver can only protest three times in one season and must wait three weeks before protesting again.
D. Drivers or cars found illegal forfeit all points and moneys earned for the entire race meet.
E. Refusal to comply with a protest or to tear down when instructed by Speedway Officials will result in a fine equal to protest amount, an automatic two race suspension for driver and loss of points and moneys earned for the evening. Upon returning to competition driver must agree to tear down after racing events for free.
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