Can-Am Speedway
Can-Am Speedway

Can-Am Speedway
Lafargeville, NY

Dunn Returns To Can-Am Speedway's Victory Lane


Can-Am Speedway

Dunn Returns To Can-Am Speedway's Victory Lane

LAFARGEVILLE, NY - After a disappointing wreck the previous week, as he battled for first place, Billy Dunn in his pink, white and blue number 9 roared to victory in the 358 Small Block Modified class. Other winners on the night included Anthony Stockman in the Sportsman Modified class, Rick Dusckas in the Pro Street Stocks, Kyle Simmons in the Novice Sportsman class, Phil Desormeau III in the Thunder Cars, and John Stanley in the Eastern Ontario Vintage Modified class. It was another exciting night of racing that got off to a slow start with multiple cautions in the first feature, the Pro Street Stocks. Subsequent features had far fewer cautions and nail-biting finishes.

The first heat races for the night belonged to the Pro Street Stock class. 62 Jonathan Murphy and 83DA Dustin Bradley started the first heat in first and second positions. Bradley grabbed the lead immediately, while 3 Rick Dusckas moved up from sixth to second position by lap two. It took only a half a lap more for Dusckas to claim the lead. 19 Robert Scott moved from fourth to second by lap three. 4 Mike Durham, in third, gave Scott a little bump into turn one on lap five and had to take it to the pits, more than likely with a cut tire. At the checkered flag it was 3 Dusckas, 19 Scott and 83DA Bradley in the top three positions.
In the second heat race, it was 32 Ryan Shanahan and 45R Preston Forbes in the top two positions to start. Forbes grabbed the lead out of turn two of the first lap, but 3 Shawn Kirby was driving hard, looking for that lead position. Kirby took second place by lap two and made a play for the lead in lap three, but Forbes kept a nose ahead, as a caution flag was flown when 272G Steven Gilmore spun through turn four. On the post-caution restart, Forbes got a good jump, but Kirby powered ahead to own the lead. At the checkered flag, it was 3k Kirby, 272 Tiger Chapman and 45R Forbes in the top three positions.

Sportsman Modified was up next, with 12 Troy Fleming and 91 Josh Reome in the top two starting positions. Reome shot into the lead at the drop of the green, while 271 Tiger Chapman Jr. moved into second almost immediately. 44 Dave Rogers moved up from fifth to third by lap two. Chapman claimed the lead by lap three, with Reome dropping into second. Rogers dove low through turn three, but had to back off as Reome held position. A caution came out in lap five, when 926 Jordan Keruskie came to a stop on the back straightaway. It would bring the field back together for a drag race finish. On the restart Chapman grabbed the lead. He would lead all the way. At the checkered flag it was 271 Chapman, 91 Reome, and 44 Rogers in the top three positions.
The second heat race had 97 Mike Mandigo and 85 Haiden Burdick in the top two positions. Burdick shot to the lead at the drop of the green, while 25 George Sanford moved into second almost immediately 21 Taylor Caprara moved from fourth to third by lap two and challenged Sanford for second for several laps, but Sanford was able to keep him at bay. At the checkered flag, it was 85 Burdick, 25 Sanford and 21 Caprara in the top three positions.
In the third heat for the Sportsman class, it was 71 Delbert LeGrow and 57 Anthony Stockman in the top two starting positions. Stockman moved into the lead by turn two of the first lap, with LeGrow dropping into second. 38 Zach Sobotka took over third by lap two. At the checkered flag, it was 57 Stockman, 71 LeGrow and 38 Sobotka in the top three positions.

The Thunder Cars had a go at the track next, with a single heat race for the class. 61 Gerald Rogers and 17 Mike Greenfield started in the top two positions. 26M Phil Desormeau III wasted no time in moving from fourth to first by turn two of lap one. 42 Lyle Robinson was also moving up, jumping from sixth to second by lap two. 32 Chuck Monica followed suit, taking third position, in lap two, after starting fifth. They raced to the checkered flag in that order, 26M Desormeau, 42 Robinson, and 32 Monica in the top three positions.

The 358 Small Block Modifieds had two heat races for the night, with 24x Ryan Taylor and 24 Patrick Dupree in the top two starting positions. 10 Josh VanBrocklin was shot out of a cannon at the drop of the green, taking over first position after starting fourth. Dupree dropped into second, while 27w Nick Webb retained his third position. Webb had company, as 9 Billy Dunn was hot on his tail. 55 Matt Woodruff went for a wild ride, rolling through turn two. He came to rest on his wheels, and was okay, though his car was not and had to leave on a hook. On the restart, VanBrocklin continued in the lead, while Dunn grabbed third and then second positions during the ensuing lap. With two laps remaining, Dunn was charging hard, with VanBrocklin in his sights. At the checkered, it was 10 VanBrocklin, 9 Dunn and 24 Dupree in the top three positions.
Heat number two had 19 Luke Stewart and 51x Brady Gill running in the top two starting positions. Stewart was first through turn one but Gill challenged immediately. A caution came out in lap three as 39 Tyler Bartlett cut a tire after getting caught up in a melee a lap earlier. On the restart, 57 Rylee Gill shot into second, moving 51x Brady Gill into third. After some rubbing through lap four, 93 Ryan Bartlett took over second, as 57 Gill and 19 Stewart battled it out for first. The lead swapped back and forth through the turns, with 57 Gill emerging with the lead with a lap remaining. Meanwhile 02 Roy Bresnahan moved into third, pushing Bartlett back to fourth. At the checkered flag, it was 57 Gill, 19 Stewart and 02 Bresnahan in the top three positions.

The Eastern Ontario Vintage Modified Club was on display, once again, with two heat races for the night. B22 Steve Lackie and B3 Steve Billings started in the top two positions. Lackie grabbed ahold of the lead and retained it for two laps, until 2 John Stanley snaked it away. 19 Paul Pekkonen was a hard charger, moving up from seventh to take over third by lap four. At the checkered flag, it was 2 Stanley in first, 19 Pekkonen by a muddy bumper in second and B22 Lackie in third.
The second heat race had 00 Darrell Wilson and 11 Justin Saunders in the top two positions to start. 00 Wilson took the lead at the drop of the green, while 2x Ally Amell captured second. After a lap two caution, 2x Amell took over the lead, with 17 Phil Ross right on his tail. Ross deliberately spun Amell on the back straightaway, and was penalized to the back of the pack. On the restart 00 Wilson took over the lead. But 17 Ross managed to climb back into the lead by the checkered flag. 00 Wilson took second while 2x Amell finished third.

Novice Sportsman took to the track next, with 11 Kyle Simmons and 76G Skylar Greenfield in the top two starting positions. Greenfield grabbed the lead into turn one, but it was 24 Jordan Kelly who emerged from turn two with the lead, moving up from fourth. 30 Hunter Schwander moved up from seventh to second by lap three, with Greenfield settling into third. At the checkered flag, that’s how it would remain, 24 Kelly, 30 Schwander and 76G Greenfield finishing in the top three positions.
In the second heat race, it was 50 Joel Hall and 00 Billy Matteson in the top two starting positions. Matteson captured the lead out of turn one in lap one, while 15 Greg Henry moved up to capture second position by lap two. 50 Joel Hall settled into third, while 54G Greg Snyder looked to strike from the fourth position. In lap four, Henry took away the lead, moving Matteson to second. At the checkered flag, it was 15 Henry, 00 Matteson and 50 Hall in the top three finishing positions.

The Pro Street Stocks were the first on the track to run their feature race. 62 Jonathan Murphy and 83DA Dustin Bradley were in positions one and two to start, 45R Preston Forbes and 272 Tiger Chapman were in row two, positions three and four. In turn one of lap one, 83DA Bradley got sideways, scattering the field all across the track, with some going up over the turn one berm to avoid a collision. A major wreck was avoided, however. On the restart, 45R Forbes grabbed the lead for but a moment, until 3k Shawn Kirby sped by to grab the lead. Another caution came out when 272G Gilmore spun out in turn three during lap two. On the restart, Kirby retained the lead, while 3 Rick Dusckas moved into second after starting eighth. Another caution flew over the track as 83 Milt Combs caught some damage and came to a stop on the back straightaway. On the restart, it was 3k Kirby, 3 Dusckas, 45R Forbes and 272 Tiger Chapman in the top four positions. Kirby and Dusckas were door handle to door handle for two laps, before Kirby slid into the lead. The caution lights blinked on again when 18 Remington Marquette spun out in turn two. It was a close call on the track, as nearly the entire field had to dodge Marquette, who had moved up from twelfth, to start, to fourth at the time of his spin out. After the caution, 272 Chapman threaded the needle to get into third. 32 Ryan Shanahan moved up from a tenth position start to fourth position by lap seven. In lap eight, 83 Milt Combs car caught fire down the front straightaway. He parked it turn two and jumped from the vehicle, as flames continued to burn around the rear axle area. On the restart, after the extended caution, 3 Dusckas leaped into the lead, with 3k Kirby in second. 272 Chapman settled into third, just as 19 Robert Scott spun into the wall through turns three and four. He was able to get righted and avoid major damage, rejoining the race at the tail of the pack. On the restart, Chapman shot low on the track and had the lead for a brief moment, challenging Dusckas. But Dusckas was able to power ahead and retain the lead, with Chapman in second and Kirby in third. In lap twelve, Kirby got into the rear of Chapman and spun him through turn four. Kirby was penalized to the back of the pack, and was side by side with Chapman on the caution restart. This left 3 Dusckas and 45R Forbes in the top two positions. Another caution flew just a lap later, as 83DA Bradley came to a stop against the straightaway wall. After the restart, 3 Dusckas had the lead, while 3k Kirby managed to climb all the way back to second, with 19 Scott in third. Chapman was moving up as well, climbing into third position by lap fifteen. At the checkered flag, it was 3 Rick Dusckas, 3k Shawn Kirby, 272 Tiger Chapman, 32 Ryan Shannan, and 19 Robert Scott in the top five positions.

Twenty-two cars rolled out for the Sportsman Mod feature, with 12 Troy Fleming and 97 Mike Mandigo in starting positions one and two. In row two, 71 Delbert LeGrow and 91 Josh Reome occupied positions three and four, respectively. 97 Mandigo grabbed the lead early, but 91 Reome pressured hard through turn two. Reome had to back off through turns three and four, giving second position back to 12 Fleming. After a caution, Mandigo retained the lead, while 57 Anthony Stockman shot into second place. 91 Reome and 12 Fleming battled for third, with Reome emerging with the advantage. Reome set his sights on second position next, going to work on the 57 Stockman. Stockman had plans of his own, taking a run for the lead on 97 Mandigo through lap seven. Stockman went high, but had to back off, retaining his second place track position. Meanwhile, 21 Taylor Caprara had picked and weaved his way through traffic to grab onto fourth position, with Fleming hanging on in fifth. By lap ten, Stockman grabbed the lead away from Mandigo, who slid back two positions to third. 21 Caprara dove low in turn three of lap thirteen to grab third position away from 97 Mandigo. 91 Reome made his move in lap seventeen, diving low on Stockman through the turns, but Reome had to back off, as they approached lapped traffic. At the checkered flag, it was 57 Anthony Stockman, 91 Josh Reome, 21 Taylro Caprara, 97 Mike Mandigo and 12 Troy Fleming in the top five positions. It was an exciting and clean race, a nail-biter right to the end.

Thunder Cars took the track next, with 94 OJ White and 16 Matt Marcinko starting in the top two positions. 26M Phil Desormeau III and 32 Chuck Monica were in row two, third and fourth positions respectively. Deormeau took over second position by lap two, and the lead by lap three. 32 Chuck Monica and 42 Lyle Robinson battled it out through laps three and four for fourth position, while 16 Marcinko held third, with 94 White in second. 32 Monica moved into third by lap five, with 42 Robinson right on his bumper for fourth. Both cars overtook 94 White by lap seven. By lap ten, it was 26M Desormeau, 32 Monica, 42 Robinson, 40H Jerry Herbert and 16 Matt Marcinko in the top five positions. Robinson moved into second position a lap later, but half the track separated him and the leader, Desormeau. At the checkered flag, it was 26M Desormeau, 42 Robinson, 32 Monica, 40h Herbert, and 16 Marcinko in the top five positions.

The 358 Small Block Modifieds roared onto the half-mile track next, with 24x Ryan Taylor and 19 Luke Stewart starting in the top two positions. 24 Pat Dupree and 51x Brady Gill started in row two, third and fourth positions, respectively. At the drop of the green, 19 Stewart grabbed the lead, with Dupree and Taylor battling it out for second. Dupree would emerge with second position by lap three, with 9 Billy Dunn steadily moving up through the pack behind him. 02 Roy Bresnehan spun through turn four, but was able to avoid a major wreck and rejoin the race at the tail of the pack. On the restart, it was 24 Dupree and 19 Stewart in the top two positions, with 24X Taylor and 27w Nick Webb in third and fourth positions. In row three, 9 Billy Dunn and 93 Ryan Bartlett found themselves next to each other. Dunn and Bartlett got together last week during the feature, as they battled for first position. The wreck put Dunn in the wall and Bartlett at the back of the field, for that race. Racing went three wide as Dunn and Bartlett bookended 24x Taylor through turns one and two. Dunn emerged with third position, supplanting 19 Stewart to fourth. The leaders 24 Dupree and 27W Nick Web looked to put as much distance between themselves and track points leader, Dunn as they moved into lap nine. Dunn made short work of Webb, moving into second by lap ten. 10 Josh VanBrocklin started in sixth, but quietly climbed to fourth by lap thirteen, threatening 27w Webb. It took until lap fifteen for Billy Dunn to catch up to 24 Dupree and start his relentless attack for the lead. In lap sixteen, 10 VanBrocklin went high through turns three and four and drove around 27w Nick Webb for third position. Meanwhile, 93 Ryan Bartlett, who had fallen back to sixth, was challenging 19 Stewart for fifth. 02 Bresnehan spun out in turn four, which shut down the green flag racing and brought the pack together for a caution-restart. 24 Patrick Dupree and 9 Billy Dunn restated in first and second positions, with 10 Josh VanBrocklin and 27w Nick Webb On the restart, 9 Dunn grabbed the lead, while 10 Van Brocklin grabbed ahold of second. 24 Dupree settled into third, with 27w Webb in fourth and 93 Bartlett in fifth. Dunn began to establish a commanding lead, when 24x Taylor and 39 Tyler Bartlett got tangled up at the tail of the pack to trigger a caution. Both racers returned to the race at the tail. Dunn grabbed the lead, once again after the restart, while 93 Bartlett shot into third, with 10 VanBrocklin in second. 24 Patrick Dupree, who lead for a time, got tangled in traffic and went off the backside of the track, bringing out another caution in lap twenty-three. The caution brought the pack back together for an exciting two-lap shootout to victory lane. Dunn moved into first place on the restart, with VanBrocklin in second and 57 Gill in third. At the checkered flag it was 9 Dunn, 10 VanBrocklin, 57 Gill, 93 Bartlett and 27w Webb in the top five positions.

Vintage Modifieds rolled onto the track next, with 2 John Stanley and 19 Paul Pekkonen starting in the top two positions. B22 Steve Lackie and 70 Steve Arbuthnot were in row two, in third and fourth positions. Stanley took the lead at the green, with Pekkonen falling into second. B3 Steve Billings climbed into fourth position, behind 70 Arbuthnot by lap six, while Stanley continued to extend his lead over the rest of the pack. By lap nine, 17 Phil Ross moved into fifth position, with B10 Paul Billings taking over fourth. In lap eleven, 70 Arbuthnot moved into second, passing 19 Pekkonen. At the checkered flag, it was 2 John Stanley, 70 Steve Arbuthnot, 19 Paul Pekkonen, B10 Paul Billings, and 17 Phil Ross.

The final feature on the night was Novice Sportsman. 11 Kyle Simmons and 50 Joel Hall started in first and second positions. Row two was occupied by 76G Skylar Greenfield and 00 Billy Matteson, in third and fourth positions. 11 Simmons captured sole possession of the lead through lap one. 00 Billy Matteson spun through turn two of lap two, bringing out the caution. 24 Jordan Kelly took advantage of the restart, catapulting himself into second position. 50 Joel Hall settled into third, while 15 Greg Henry challenged 76G Skylar Greenfield for fourth position. After a lap four caution, 24 Jordan Kelly and 11 Kyle Simmons battled it out for the lead. Simmons emerged with the lead, while 30 Hunter Schwander took advantage of the caution restart to launch up into the fifth position after a ninth place start. Schwander continued his conquest, conquering fourth position a lap later. By lap eleven, Schwander was challenging 15 Henry for third position, snatching it away in turn two. Meanwhile, 11 Simmons and 24 Kelly were half a track ahead, dodging lapped traffic. At the checkered flag, it was 11 Kyle Simmons, 24 Jordan Kelly, 30 Hunter Schwander, 15 Greg Henry and 50 Joel Hall in the top five finishing positions.

08/27/16 Can-Am Feature Winner - Rick Dusckas - Pro Street Stocks
Pro Street Stocks: 1) 3 Rick Dusckas, 2) 3k Shawn Kirby, 3) 272 Tiger Chapman, 4) 32 Ryan Shanahan, 5) 19 Robert Scott, 6) 62 Jonathan Murphy, 7) 4 Mike Durham, 8) 18 Remington Marquette, 9) 45R Preston Forbes, 10) 83DA Dustin Bradley, 11) 83 Milt Combs, 12) 272G Steven Gilmore.

08/27/16 Can-Am Feature Winner - Anthony Stockman - Sportsman Mod
Sportsman Mod Results: 1) 57 Anthony Stockman, 2) 91 Josh Reome, 3) 21 Taylor Caprara, 4) 97 Mike Mandigo, 5) 12 Troy Fleming, 6) 621 Brian Hudson, 7) 25 George Sanford, 8) 271 Tiger Chapman, 9) 71 Delbert LeGrow, 10) 44 Dave Rogers, 11) 38 Zach Sobotka, 12) Fox28 Jeff Stevenson, 13) 85 Haiden Burdick, 14) 60 Jackson Gill, 15) 4x Mike Gadbaw, 16) 926 Jordan Keruskie, 17) 72 Mike Prentice, 18) 18 Justin Gadbaw, 19) Joel Hall, 20) 2 Chris Thurston, 21) 15 Greg Henry, 22) M1 Rick McCready.

08/27/16 Can-Am Feature Winner - Billy Dunn - 358 Modified
358 Modified Results: 1) 9 Billy Dunn, 2) 10 Josh VanBrocklin, 3) 57 Rylee Gill, 4) 93 Ryan Bartlett, 5) 27W Nick Webb, 6) 19 Luke Stewart, 7) 39 Tyler Bartlett, 8) 51x Brady Gill, 9) 24x Ryan Taylor, 10) 24 Patrick Dupree, 11) 02 Roy Resnahan, 12) 97 Lance Willix II, 13) 55 Matt Woodruff (DNS), 34) George Foley (DNS).

08/27/16 Can-Am Feature Winner - Kyle Simmons - Novice Sportsman
Novice Sportsman Results: 1) 11 Kyle Simmons, 2) 24 Jordan Kelly, 3) 30 Hunter Schwander, 4) 15 Greg Henry, 5) 50 Joel Hall, 6) 7s Shawn Shaw, 7) 34 Eric Nier, 8) 76G Skylar Greenfield, 9) 322 Matt Brown, 10) 00 Billy Matteson, 11) 54G Greg Snyder, 12) 13 Justin Cook, 13) 1T Trevor Gibbons.

08/27/16 Can-Am Feature Winner - Phil Desormeau III - Thunder Car
Thunder Car Results: 1) 26M Phil Desormeau III, 2) 42 Lyle Robinson, 3) 32 Chuck Monica, 4) 40H Jerry Herbert, 5) 16 Matt Marcinko, 6) 94 OJ White, 7) 17 Mike Greenfield, 8) 61 Gerald Rogers, 9) 5 Don Woodworth.

Racing resumes at Chapman’s Can-Am Motorsports Park on September 3rd. It’s the final night of points for all classes, with Double Points for Small Block Mods, Sportsman Mods, Pro Street Stocks, Thunder Cars and Novice Sportsman. Plus a Cheney Tire 30 Lap Enduro. Remember Adults just $12, kids 12 and under free when accompanied by an adult. Active duty military personnel receive a discount at the gate.

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