Can-Am Speedway
Can-Am Speedway

Can-Am Speedway
Lafargeville, NY

Billy Dunn Continues Winning Roll At Can-Am


Can-Am Speedway

Billy Dunn Continues Winning Roll At Can-Am

LAFARGEVILLE, NY - Despite an all clear forecast, storm clouds formed just before race time. The rain stayed away, and a full race lineup ensued. The storm that arrived, instead, was Billy Dunn, as he grabbed his eighth win on the season at Can-Am. Other winners included Jackson Gill in the Sportsman Modified class, Rick Dusckas in the Pro Street Stocks, Hunter Schwander in the Novice division, and Lyle Robinson in the Thunder Cars. The Thunder Cars also needed to conclude the previous week’s feature race, with Chuck Monica taking that victory.

After a red flag stoppage the previous week, Thunder Cars kicked off the night with the conclusion of the feature race started on July 30. 32 Chuck Monica and 16 Matt Marcinko were the top two cars when racing picked up where they left off. As the green flag flew for lap number six, Monica jumped out to the lead, with 94 OJ White moving into second. 26M Phil Desormeau III started third, but slipped to fourth, getting loose on the track. By lap ten, Desormeau regained third, and set his sites on wresting second place away from OJ White. With two laps remaining, White made his move for first, but Monica kept him at bay. Desormeau threaded the needle going high to low through turn one and captured second place for a moment. And just a moment. OJ White powered out of turn four and regained second position as the checkered flags flew. At the finish line, it was 32 Chuck Monica, 94 OJ White, 26M Phil Desormeau II, 16 Matt Marcinko and 42 Lyle Robinson in the top five positions.

The first class on the docket for heat races was Sportsman Modifieds, with two qualifying heat races. 97 Mike Mandigo and 25 George Sanford started the first heat in first and second positions. It was parallel racing through the first lap, with Sanford pulling into the lead as the cars passed the flag stand, concluding lap one. 621 Brian Hudson moved up from fourth to second by lap two. 85 Haiden Burdick held fast at third, while 60 Jackson Gill moved up to challenge for the position, after starting sixth. 57 Anthony Stockman moved from seventh to fifth, and remained in the position at the checkered flag. The top five finishers were 25 George Sanford, 621 Brian Hudson, 85 Haiden Burdick, 60 Jackson Gill and 57 Anthony Stockman. Heat race number two had 38 Zach Sabotka and 71 Delbert LeGrow started in the top two positions. Sabotka got the hole-shot for the lead through turn one, while 271 Tiger Chapman shot from sixth to second in lap one. 71 LeGrow settled into third, while 21 Taylor Caprara charged from seventh position at the start to fourth by lap four. 44 David Rogers, a big winner last week in two different classes, carved out fifth position for himself, after starting eighth. At the checkered flag, it was 38 Zach Sabotka, 271 Tiger Chapman, 71 Delbert LeGrow, 21 Taylor Caprara and 44 David Rogers in the top five positions.
Pro Street Stocks moved onto the track for the first of two heat races. 32 Ryan Shanahan and 19 Robert Scott started in first and second positions. At the green, Shanahan retained the lead, while 1x Mike White challenged for and secured the position by the conclusion of lap one. With White in the lead, Shanahan, Scott and 3 Rick Dusckas battled for second. Dusckas moved into second, with Scott settling into third, while Shanahan faded back to fourth. Scott spun into turn three on lap five, bringing out the caution. The caution erased White’s lead, putting Dusckas right on his door for a restart. White pulled into the lead, with one lap to go. 690 Sid Harmer Sr. moved into fourth, while Dusckas and Shanahan battled for second. At the checkered flag, 1x Mike White took first, 32 Ryan Shanahan finished second. Dusckas finished third, while Harmer took fourth and Scott finished fifth.
In the second heat for Pro Street Stocks, 11 Tiger Chapman and 45R Preston Forbes started in first and second positions. Chapman pushed out to the lead through lap one, while 3k Shawn Kirby flew to second after starting fifth. By lap two, Kirby was challenging for the lead, but Chapman held him back. Meanwhile 13 Kenny Hamm moved up from sixth position to third, by lap three. At the checkered flag, it was 11 Tiger Chapman, 3k Shawn Kirby, 13 Kenny Hamm, 45r Preston Forbes, 83DA Dustin Bradley finished in the top five positions.

358 Small Block Modified roared out for two qualifying heat races. The first, had 24x Ryan Taylor and 51x Brady Gill started in first and second positions. 9 Billy Dunn started in sixth position, but charged to second by lap two. 24x Taylor spun through turn two, bringing out the caution flag. This destroyed Gill’s lead and put the aggressive Dunn on the low side for a restart. 93 Ryan Bartlett and 19 Luke Stewart occupied row two on the restart. Dunn moved into first at the green flag, with Gill in second. 93 Ryan Bartlett and 39 Tyler Bartlett held onto third and fourth positions, while 19 Stewart faded back to fifth. Dunn was riding the cushion around the turns, putting half a track between himself and the rest of the pack. 51x Gill went up into the berm through turn two and surrendered several positions. At the checkered flag it was 9 Billy Dunn, 93 Ryan Bartlett, 39 Tyler Bartlett, 19 Luke Stewart and 51x Brady Gill finished in the top five.
The second 358 Mod heat race had 10 Josh VanBrocklin and 24 Pat Dupree starting in the top two positions. VanBrocklin grabbed onto first place at the drop of the green. He carried the lead for a lap before 27W Nick Webb spun through turn one and brought out the caution flag. VanBrocklin had the hot foot, mashing it to the floor on the restart and retaining the lead through lap three. 57 Rylee Gill moved up from a fifth position start to third by lap four, and challenged 24 Dupree for second. The top five finishing order at the checkered flag was 10 VanBrocklin, 24 Dupree, 57 Gill, 27w Webb, and 24B Roger Levesque.

The Thunder Cars rolled onto the track once again for a heat race, with 94 OJ White and 17 Mike Greenfield in the top two positions to start. White pulled ahead on the first lap, but white smoke billowed from his blue and silver number 94 through turn four, and it slowly came to a stop by turn one. This left 26M Phil Desormeau III in the lead, as OJ White needed to ride the front bumper of the FX Caprara push truck all the way to the pits. On the restart, Desormeau moved ahead of the field, with 32 Chuck Monica breaking from the pack to give him a challenge. 17N Justin Nier spun through turn four, after some contact, but was able to rejoin the field at the tail. The restart had the racers three wide down the front stretch, with 26M Desormeau, 32 Monica and 16 Marcinko all vying for the lead. Desormeau retained the lead, while Monica moved into second, leaving third for Marcinko. Meanwhile, 17N Nier climbed back into fourth position by the checkered flag. Top five finishes were 26M Desormeau, 32 Monica, 16 Marcinko, 17N, Nier and 17 Greenfield.

Novice Sportsman finished up the heat races, with 76G Skylar Greenfield and 15 Greg Henry starting in the top two positions. Greenfield retained the lead through lap one, with Henry settling into second. 7s Shaun Shaw moved up from fifth to fourth, challenging 1 Cole Davidson for third position, by lap four. Shaw spun through turn one, and 50 Joel Hall couldn’t avoid a collision. His right rear climbed over Shaw’s nose, shearing the wheel clean off. While Shaw was able to head to the pits under his own power, and eventually rejoin the race, Hall needed the help of the Can-Am red wrecker to make his way back to pit road. On the restart, 24 Jordan Kelly and 1 Cole Davidson battled for third, and it looked like a scene from Ben-Hur as the jostled for position. At the checkered flag, it was 76gSkylar Greenfield, 15 Greg Henry, 1 Cole Davidson, 24 Jordan Kelly and 7s Shaun Shaw in the top five positions. The second Novice Sportsman heat race had 18 Justin Gadbaw and 00 Billy Matteson in the top two starting positions. Matteson faded to third, while 18 Gadbaw grabbed onto the lead and 4x Mike Gadbaw took over second. 2 Phil Desormeau III moved into third 7x Burton Ward moved from seventh to fourth with one lap remaining. At the checkered flag, it was 18 Justin Gadbaw, 4x Mike Gadbaw, 2 Phil Desormeau III 7x Burton Ward and 00 Billy Matteson finished in to top five positions.

First up for the feature races was the Sportsman Modified class. 38 Zach Sabotka and 25 George Sanford started in first and second positions. In row two, 71 Delbert LeGrow and 85 Haiden Burdick started in third and fourth positions, respectively. Sanford and Sabotka ran side by side all through the first lap, but a caution came out as 85 Haiden Burdick came to a stop on the top berm of turn two. On the restart, Sanford moved into first, while 60 Jackson Gill charged up from seventh to third. In lap three, Sanford went high through turn two, surrendering a dozen positions on the track. Sabotka found himself the leader. A close call in lap four occurred, when 91 Josh Reome spun around on the back stretch, but managed to right himself without a caution. Meanwhile, 60 Jackson Gill made a move on the lead, and managed a pass on Sabotka in lap five. 21 Taylor Caprara managed to move up from a tenth place start to second place, passing Sabatka in lap six. 271 Tiger Chapman was also moving up, having started in eighth position, by lap eight, Chapman was in fourth. 25 Sanford, after having an early-race mishap, moved all the way back to fifth position by lap twelve. 81 Tyler Reynolds spun through turn one in lap twelve, bringing out the caution. No sooner had the green flag come out, when 12 Troy Fleming got caught up in turn three and came to a stop, triggering another caution. On the restart, 21 Taylor Caprara and 60 Jackson Gill squared off, running parallel for the length of the track. Gill moved into sole possession of the lead by lap fourteen, with a hard charging 44 David Rogers reeling in the leaders after starting in eleventh. With one lap remaining, 4x Mike Gadbaw triggered a caution when he came to a stop at the bottom of turn four. This brought the entire pack back together and made it anybody’s race with a lap remaining. Gill got the advantage, with Caprara settling into second. Rogers grabbed onto third. At the finish line, it was 60 Jackson Gill, 21 Taylor Caprara, 25 George Sanford, 44 David Rogers, and 38 Zach Sabotka in the top five positions.

The next feature race on the track was the Pro Street Stock class, with 32 Ryan Shanahan and 45R Preston Forbes starting in the top two positions. Row two had 11 Tiger Chapman and 3 Rick Dusckas, starting in third and fourth positions. Shanahan led the first lap, with Forbes hot on his heels. 3 Dusckas made a move on turn four and captured second place. By lap three, 11 Tiger Chapman had mechanical issues, coming to a stop on the back straightaway. The restart put Dusckas on the high side and Shanahan low in the top two positions. Dusckas took the lead by turn two, while 1x Mike White triggered a caution when his hood ripped from his vehicle and landed in turn three. On the restart, it was 3 Rick Dusckas and 3k Shawn Kirby in the top two positions. Dusckas remained in the lead, while Kirby settled into second. 1x Mike White, hoodless, moved into third, with 45R Forbes in fourth. By lap six, Forbes supplanted White for third, with Shanahan in fifth. It was Shanahan who triggered the caution in lap six, when his hood flew off in turn three. On the restart 3k Kirby went low maneuvering for a pass, but Dusckas powered away to retain the lead. 32 Shanahan challenged 1x White for third position, as the two hoodless cars rode side by side for all of lap ten. By lap eleven, Shanahan owned third place, with White in fourth. Meanwhile, Kirby snuck by Dusckas for the lead, making it Kirby, Dusckas, Shanahan and White in the top four positions. 690 Side Harmer Sr. owned fifth position. White and Shanahan tangled in turn three of lap fourteen, with White spinning out and rejoining the pack at the rear, as the field was brought back together for a caution restart. Kirby managed to hang onto the lead after the restart, with Dusckas right on his bumper. 4 Mike Durham had quietly put together a good race, moving up to fourth position after 45R Forbes spun out and headed to the pits. With a lap remaining, Kirby and Shanahan got together in turn four. Shanahan was able to rejoin the race at the tail of the pack. On the restart, with a lap remaining, it was 3 Rick Dusckas and 4 Mike Durham in the top two positions. 3k Shawn Kirby and 19 Robert Scott were in third and fourth positions. At the checkered flag, it was 3 Rick Dusckas, 3k Shawn Kirby, 19 Robert Scott, 4 Mike Durham and 1x Mike White in the top five positions.

358 Small Block Modified took control of the track next, with 10 Josh VanBrocklin and 24 Pat Dupree in the top two positions. 93 Ryan Bartlett and 27W Nick Webb were in row two, in third and fourth positions. Within lap one, 9 Billy Dunn moved from eighth position to fourth, while 10 VanBrocklin owned first place. 27w Webb was in second in lap four when Dunn came knocking. Dunn attempted a pass in turn two, but backed out of it. He completed the pass one lap later. VanBrocklin had a lead of about twenty car lengths over Dunn by lap eight, but Dunn was steadily closing. By lap twelve, Dunn had closed the gap to just a few car lengths. Dunn made his move in lap fourteen, taking the lead only to give it back a lap later when he struck one of the white infield tires through turn two. The track tire came to rest in the middle of turn two, so a caution was declared, bringing the pack back together for a restart. VanBrocklin and Dunn were in the top two positions, with 27w Nick Webb and 24 Pat Dupree in row two. Dunn walked away with the lead at the drop of the green flag, while 93 Ryan Bartlett moved into fourth position after riding in sixth for much of the race. 19 Luke Stewart was hot on Bartlett’s heels, with just six laps remaining. With just three laps remaining, Bartlett made a move on 27W Webb to gain third position. 24b Roger Levesque spun out in turn three in lap twenty-two. This brought out a caution, once again, erasing Dunn’s enormous lead. Dunn pulled away, once again, while VanBrocklin and Bartlett battled for second behind him. At the checkered flag, it was 9 Billy Dunn, 10 VanBrocklin, 93 Ryan Bartlett, 19 Luke Stewart and 27w Nick Webb in the top five positions.

The Thunder Cars pulled onto the track for another feature, after completing last week’s feature earlier in the evening. 17 Mike Greenfield and 17N Justin Nier started in first and second positions. In row two, it was 16 Matt Marcinko and 26M Phil Desormeau III in third and fourth positions. Nier took the lead by the back straightaway, while Greenfield held off Desormeau for second position. By lap two, Desormeau’s dominance was too much for Greenfield, but not for 42 Lyle Robinson, who climbed up from tenth position to second by lap four. A caution came out when 16 Marcinko and 17 Greenfield got together. Greenfield spun, while Marcinko’s rear bumper tore loose. On the restart, 17N Nier faded quickly, while 42 Robinson leaped into the lead. 32 Chuck Monica managed to climb to third position by lap five, challenging Desormeau for second. At the midway point of the race, it was 42 Robinson, 26M Desormeau, 32 Monica, 16 Marcinko and 17N Nier in the top five positions. In lap fourteen, a caution came out when 5 Don Woodworth had mechanical issues and came to a stop on the back straightaway. The caution-restart destroyed 42 Robinson’s enormous lead, putting Desormeau right on his door when racing ensued. Robinson retained the lead, while the rest of the field fell back into their pre-caution positions. 17 Mike Greenfield made a move for fifth position, passing 17N Nier in the seventeenth lap. At the checkered flag, it was 42 Lyle Robinson, 26M Phil Desormeau III, 32 Chuck Monica, 16 Matt Marcinko and 17 Mike Greenfield in the top five positions.

The final feature for the night was Novice Sportsman Modified class. 76G Skylar Greenfield and 18 Justin Gadbaw started in the top two positions. Row two was occupied by 15 Greg Henry and 00 Billy Matteson, in third and fourth positions. 76G Greenfield retained the lead through lap one, and it was clean racing until lap four, when 4x Mike Gadbaw and 7s Shawn Shaw got together in turn four. Gadbaw went into the infield with a damaged right front wheel. 15 Greg Henry rode the high side to the lead on the restart after caution, with 30 Hunter Schwander moving into second position, after starting eleventh. 24 Jordan Kelly was also moving through the pack, advancing from a ninth place start to fourth position by lap six. 34 Eric Nier was also dialed in, moving up from fourteenth position at the start to fifth position by lap nine. A caution in lap nine brought the pack back together. Kelly moved into third position, with Nier taking over fourth. 15 Henry remained the leader while 30 Schwander was in second. A lap twelve caution set the stage for a shootout finish, with Schwander now in the lead and Kelly in second. At the checkered flag, it was 30 Hunter Schwander, 24 Jordan Kelly, 34 Eric Nier, 15 Greg Henry and 00 Billy Matteson in the top five positions.


08/06/16 Can-Am Feature Winner - Chuck Monica - THUNDER CAR
THUNDER CAR RESULTS (Continued from July 30) – 1) 32 Chuck Monica, 2) 94 OJ White, 3) 26M Phil Desormeau III, 4) 16 Matt Marcinko, 5) 42 Lyle Robinson, 6) 17N Justin Nier, 7) 17 Mike Greenfield, 8) 5 Don Woodworth, 9) 61 Gerald Rogers, 10) 30 Francis White, 11) 25 Gary Sharlow.

08/06/16 Can-Am Feature Winner - Jackson Gill - SPORTSMAN MODIFIED
SPORTSMAN MODIFIED RESULTS: 1) 60 Jackson Gill, 2) 21 Taylor Caprara, 3) 25 George Sanford, 4) 44 David Rogers, 5) 38 Zach Sabotka, 6) 271 Tiger Chapman, 7) 91 Josh Reome, 8) 415 Andrew Wren, 9) 71 Delbert LeGrow, 10) 621 Brian Hudson, 11) 97 Mike Mandigo, 12) 7x Justin White, 13) 4x Mike Gadbaw, 14) 81 Tyler Reynolds, 15) 2 Chris Thurston, 16) 12 Troy Fleming, 17) 21H Andy Howard, 18) 57 Anthony Stockman, 19) 85 Haiden Burdick.

08/06/16 Can-Am Feature Winner - Rick Dusckas - Pro Street Stocks
PRO STREET STOCK RESULTS: 1) 3 Rick Dusckas, 2) 3k Shawn Kirby, 3) 19 Robert Scott, 4) 4 Mike Durham, 5) 1x Mike White, 6) 13 Kenny Hamm, 7) 32 Ryan Shanahan, 8) 45R Preston Forbes, 9) 62 Jonathan Murphy, 10) 19 Robert Scott, 11) 690 Sid Harmer Sr. 12) 11 Tiger Chapman.

08/06/16 Can-Am Feature Winner - Billy Dunn - 358 SMALL BLOCK MODIFIED
358 SMALL BLOCK MODIFIED RESULTS: 1) 9 Billy Dunn, 2) 10 Josh VanBrocklin, 3) 93 Ryan Bartlett, 4) Luke Stewart, 5) 27W Nick Webb, 6) 51x Brady Gill, 7) 57 Rylee Gill, 8) 39 Tyler Bartlett, 9) 24x Ryan Taylor, 10) 24B Roger Levesque, 11) 24 Pat Dupree.

08/06/16 Can-Am Feature Winner - Lyle Robinson - THUNDER CAR
THUNDER CAR RESULTS: 1) 42 Lyle Robinson, 2) 26M Phil Desormeau III, 3) 32 Chuck Monica, 4) 16 Matt Marcinko, 5) 17 Mike Greenfield, 6) 17N Justin Nier, 7) 5 Don Woodworth, 8) 16x Mark Barker, 9) 94 OJ White (DNS), 10) 61 Gerald Rogers (DNS)

08/06/16 Can-Am Feature Winner - Hunter Schwander - NOVICE SPORTSMAN
NOVICE SPORTSMAN RESULTS: 1) 30 Hunter Schwander, 2) 24 Jordan Kelly, 3) 34 Eric Nier, 4) 15 Greg Henry, 5) 00 Billy Matteson, 6) 76G Skylar Greenfield, 7) 18 Justin Gadbaw, 8) 2 Phil Desormeau III, 9) 11 Kyle Simmons, 10) 1 Cole Davidson, 11) 7x Burton Ward, 12) 50 Joel Hall, 13) 75 Shaun Shaw, 14) 4x Mike Gadbaw.

Racing resumes at Chapman’s Can-Am Motorsports Park on August 13th . It’s a special Autograph Night at Can-Am, with 358 Small Block Modifieds, Sportsman Mods, Pro Street Stocks, and Thunder Car Stocks. Remember Adults just $12, kids 12 and under free when accompanied by an adult. Active duty military personnel receive a discount at the gate.

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