6/28/2024 - Clarksville Speedway Dragstrip
6/28/2024 - Clarksville Speedway Dragstrip

Clarksville Speedway Dragstrip

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Competitor Overview



Portland, TN

Footbrake DT RT ET MPH
Elimination Round 1 7.13 0.523 -- --
Elimination Round 2 7.13 0.558 -- --
Elimination Round 3 7.13 0.610 -- --

Clear Selection

Drag Test & TuneTest and Tune

Lane Competitor RT ET MPH
Left PAUL LASHUA PAUL LASHUA Clarksville, TN 0.697 -- --

SportsmanElimination Round 1

Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left Aaron Keel Aaron Keel Dover, TN 8.63 0.575 -- --
WIN Right James Brecht James Brecht Lyles, TN 7.80 0.575 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left James Roger James Roger Bon Aqua, TN 7.79 0.519 -- --
Right Roy Gilbert Roy Gilbert Clarksville, TN 8.83 0.684 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left Kenny Eden Kenny Eden Joelton, TN 7.77 0.602 -- --
Right Dustin Guidry Dustin Guidry Murray, KY 8.55 0.679 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left LISA EDEN LISA EDEN Joelton, TN 7.90 0.523 -- --
Right Allen Wood Allen Wood Elkton, KY 9.88 0.530 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left Bobby Seaton Bobby Seaton Oakland, KY 7.58 0.529 -- --
Right Bryanne Brock Bryanne Brock Clarksville, TN 7.10 0.472 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left Shari Thompson Shari Thompson Marion, KY 7.65 0.599 -- --
WIN Right james mann james mann Clarksville, TN 8.57 0.579 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left Kitty Martin Kitty Martin Nashville, TN 13.27 0.495 -- --
WIN Right MARTIN MONEY MARTIN MONEY Nashville, TN 12.02 0.490 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left MARTIN KITTY MARTIN KITTY Nashville, TN 13.27 0.549 -- --
WIN Right Money Martin Money Martin Nashville, TN 12.00 0.515 -- --

SportsmanElimination Round 2

Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left Aaron Keel Aaron Keel Dover, TN 8.63 0.580 -- --
WIN Right Kitty Martin Kitty Martin Nashville, TN 13.21 0.515 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left Bobby Seaton Bobby Seaton Oakland, KY 7.63 0.668 -- --
WIN Right Roy Gilbert Roy Gilbert Clarksville, TN 8.84 0.615 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left MARTIN MONEY MARTIN MONEY Nashville, TN 11.95 0.551 -- --
Right Dustin Guidry Dustin Guidry Murray, KY 8.62 0.747 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left Shari Thompson Shari Thompson Marion, KY 7.57 0.913 -- --
WIN Right Bryanne Brock Bryanne Brock Clarksville, TN 7.26 0.518 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left Allen Wood Allen Wood Elkton, KY 9.86 0.515 -- --
WIN Right Kenny Eden Kenny Eden Joelton, TN 7.75 0.540 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left MARTIN KITTY MARTIN KITTY Nashville, TN 13.27 0.535 -- --
Right james mann james mann Clarksville, TN 8.57 0.538 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left James Roger James Roger Bon Aqua, TN 7.76 0.520 -- --
Right Money Martin Money Martin Nashville, TN 12.00 0.455 -- --

SportsmanElimination Round 3

Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left MARTIN KITTY MARTIN KITTY Nashville, TN 13.27 0.543 -- --
Right Aaron Keel Aaron Keel Dover, TN 8.63 0.584 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left Money Martin Money Martin Nashville, TN 11.99 0.553 -- --
Right Bryanne Brock Bryanne Brock Clarksville, TN 7.26 0.601 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left Allen Wood Allen Wood Elkton, KY 9.85 0.574 -- --
Right Bobby Seaton Bobby Seaton Oakland, KY 7.61 0.610 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left Shari Thompson Shari Thompson Marion, KY 7.57 0.567 -- --
WIN Right Kenny Eden Kenny Eden Joelton, TN 7.77 0.589 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left LISA EDEN LISA EDEN Joelton, TN 7.90 0.666 -- --
Right Roy Gilbert Roy Gilbert Clarksville, TN 8.84 0.696 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left James Roger James Roger Bon Aqua, TN 7.85 0.571 -- --
Right james mann james mann Clarksville, TN 8.57 0.628 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left MARTIN MONEY MARTIN MONEY Nashville, TN 11.98 0.567 -- --
Right Dustin Guidry Dustin Guidry Murray, KY 8.52 0.617 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left Kitty Martin Kitty Martin Nashville, TN 13.27 0.572 -- --
WIN Right James Brecht James Brecht Lyles, TN 7.80 0.529 -- --

SportsmanElimination Round 4

Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left LISA EDEN LISA EDEN Joelton, TN 7.90 0.566 -- --
Right MARTIN MONEY MARTIN MONEY Nashville, TN 11.98 0.634 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left Allen Wood Allen Wood Elkton, KY 9.85 0.592 -- --
WIN Right Kenny Eden Kenny Eden Joelton, TN 7.77 0.570 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left James Roger James Roger Bon Aqua, TN 7.85 0.635 -- --
WIN Right MARTIN KITTY MARTIN KITTY Nashville, TN 13.30 0.508 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left Money Martin Money Martin Nashville, TN 11.98 0.497 -- --
WIN Right James Brecht James Brecht Lyles, TN 7.85 0.565 -- --

SportsmanElimination Round 5

Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left LISA EDEN LISA EDEN Joelton, TN 7.92 0.611 -- --
Right Kenny Eden Kenny Eden Joelton, TN 7.77 0.676 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left James Brecht James Brecht Lyles, TN 7.86 0.580 -- --
WIN Right MARTIN KITTY MARTIN KITTY Nashville, TN 13.27 0.565 -- --

SportsmanElimination Round 6

Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left LISA EDEN LISA EDEN Joelton, TN 7.95 0.422 -- --
WIN Right MARTIN KITTY MARTIN KITTY Nashville, TN 13.28 0.536 -- --

FootbrakeElimination Round 1

Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left POFAHL TAYLOR POFAHL TAYLOR Goodletsville, TN 6.24 0.520 -- --
Right Michael Crass Michael Crass Murray, KY 6.30 0.527 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left Bobby Seaton Bobby Seaton Oakland, KY 7.58 0.447 -- --
WIN Right Jarrod Arnold Jarrod Arnold Madisonville, KY 7.20 0.573 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left Adam Proctor Adam Proctor Ashland City, TN 6.74 0.464 -- --
WIN Right Travis Gibson Travis Gibson Cunningham, TN 6.19 0.531 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left Timmy Neblett Timmy Neblett Palmyra, TN 5.99 0.603 -- --
WIN Right JOHN CAMPBELL JOHN CAMPBELL Portland, TN 7.13 0.523 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left Noah Popham Noah Popham Elkton, KY 7.25 0.532 -- --
Right Kitty Martin Kitty Martin Nashville, TN 13.20 0.502 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left Jay Sehi Jay Sehi Clarksville, TN 6.48 0.569 -- --
Right Morgaen Crass Morgaen Crass Murray, KY 6.58 0.563 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left Elijah Duke Elijah Duke Pleasant View, TN 6.59 0.605 -- --
Right Brad Sharp Brad Sharp Olmstead, KY 6.03 0.581 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left Kelly Anderson Kelly Anderson Russellville, KY 6.36 0.619 -- --
Right Money Martin Money Martin Nashville, TN 11.88 0.569 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left Bubba Clinard Bubba Clinard Clarksville, TN 6.53 0.525 -- --
Right Keaton Mohler Keaton Mohler Farmington, KY 6.65 0.533 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left SCOTTY HUNT SCOTTY HUNT Lewisburg, KY 6.90 0.464 -- --
WIN Right Ky Headhunter Ky Headhunter Murray, KY 6.31 0.601 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left Thomas Kleppin Thomas Kleppin Ridgetop, TN 6.87 0.516 -- --
Right ARNOLD JARROD ARNOLD JARROD Madisonville, KY 7.20 0.496 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left TAYLOR POFAHL TAYLOR POFAHL Goodletsville, TN 6.23 0.504 -- --
Right MARTIN MONEY MARTIN MONEY Nashville, TN 11.98 0.540 -- --

FootbrakeElimination Round 2

Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left POFAHL TAYLOR POFAHL TAYLOR Goodletsville, TN 6.24 0.525 -- --
WIN Right Michael Crass Michael Crass Murray, KY 6.31 0.547 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left Bobby Seaton Bobby Seaton Oakland, KY 7.58 0.556 -- --
Right Travis Gibson Travis Gibson Cunningham, TN 6.20 0.451 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left Timmy Neblett Timmy Neblett Palmyra, TN 5.99 0.546 -- --
Right Brad Sharp Brad Sharp Olmstead, KY 5.94 0.522 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left Adam Proctor Adam Proctor Ashland City, TN 6.84 0.179 -- --
WIN Right Jarrod Arnold Jarrod Arnold Madisonville, KY 7.19 0.568 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left Jay Sehi Jay Sehi Clarksville, TN 6.47 0.711 -- --
WIN Right Morgaen Crass Morgaen Crass Murray, KY 6.61 0.570 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left Kelly Anderson Kelly Anderson Russellville, KY 6.35 0.547 -- --
WIN Right MARTIN KITTY MARTIN KITTY Nashville, TN 13.27 0.526 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left Elijah Duke Elijah Duke Pleasant View, TN 6.59 0.545 -- --
WIN Right Keaton Mohler Keaton Mohler Farmington, KY 6.63 0.522 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left Bubba Clinard Bubba Clinard Clarksville, TN 6.53 0.552 -- --
WIN Right JOHN CAMPBELL JOHN CAMPBELL Portland, TN 7.13 0.558 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left Noah Popham Noah Popham Elkton, KY 7.24 0.539 -- --
Right MARTIN MONEY MARTIN MONEY Nashville, TN 11.98 0.517 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left Thomas Kleppin Thomas Kleppin Ridgetop, TN 6.86 0.757 -- --
WIN Right Ky Headhunter Ky Headhunter Murray, KY 6.31 0.521 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left TAYLOR POFAHL TAYLOR POFAHL Goodletsville, TN 6.27 0.512 -- --
Right ARNOLD JARROD ARNOLD JARROD Madisonville, KY 7.19 0.560 -- --

FootbrakeElimination Round 3

Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left POFAHL TAYLOR POFAHL TAYLOR Goodletsville, TN 6.27 0.539 -- --
Right Michael Crass Michael Crass Murray, KY 6.31 0.545 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left Thomas Kleppin Thomas Kleppin Ridgetop, TN 6.86 0.530 -- --
Right Jarrod Arnold Jarrod Arnold Madisonville, KY 7.19 0.533 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left Jay Sehi Jay Sehi Clarksville, TN 6.48 0.718 -- --
WIN Right MARTIN KITTY MARTIN KITTY Nashville, TN 13.28 0.577 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left Timmy Neblett Timmy Neblett Palmyra, TN 6.00 0.482 -- --
WIN Right Bobby Seaton Bobby Seaton Oakland, KY 7.63 0.608 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left Noah Popham Noah Popham Elkton, KY 7.23 0.506 -- --
Right MARTIN MONEY MARTIN MONEY Nashville, TN 11.97 0.526 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left Keaton Mohler Keaton Mohler Farmington, KY 6.63 0.553 -- --
Right Morgaen Crass Morgaen Crass Murray, KY 6.61 0.555 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left JOHN CAMPBELL JOHN CAMPBELL Portland, TN 7.13 0.610 -- --
WIN Right Bubba Clinard Bubba Clinard Clarksville, TN 6.53 0.574 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left Ky Headhunter Ky Headhunter Murray, KY 6.30 0.555 -- --
Right Brad Sharp Brad Sharp Olmstead, KY 6.01 0.462 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left ARNOLD JARROD ARNOLD JARROD Madisonville, KY 7.20 0.522 -- --
WIN Right Travis Gibson Travis Gibson Cunningham, TN 6.19 0.506 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left TAYLOR POFAHL TAYLOR POFAHL Goodletsville, TN 6.26 0.512 -- --

FootbrakeElimination Round 4

Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left POFAHL TAYLOR POFAHL TAYLOR Goodletsville, TN 6.26 0.545 -- --
Right Bobby Seaton Bobby Seaton Oakland, KY 7.66 0.579 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left Bubba Clinard Bubba Clinard Clarksville, TN 6.53 0.538 -- --
WIN Right Travis Gibson Travis Gibson Cunningham, TN 6.19 0.559 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left Thomas Kleppin Thomas Kleppin Ridgetop, TN 6.84 0.551 -- --
Right MARTIN KITTY MARTIN KITTY Nashville, TN 13.28 0.543 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left Noah Popham Noah Popham Elkton, KY 7.28 0.525 -- --
Right Keaton Mohler Keaton Mohler Farmington, KY 6.64 0.585 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left TAYLOR POFAHL TAYLOR POFAHL Goodletsville, TN 6.28 0.522 -- --
Right Ky Headhunter Ky Headhunter Murray, KY 6.27 0.520 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Right Elijah Duke Elijah Duke Pleasant View, TN 6.59 0.562 -- --

FootbrakeElimination Round 5

Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left POFAHL TAYLOR POFAHL TAYLOR Goodletsville, TN 6.27 0.537 -- --
Right Thomas Kleppin Thomas Kleppin Ridgetop, TN 6.84 0.559 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left Elijah Duke Elijah Duke Pleasant View, TN 6.59 0.567 -- --
WIN Right Travis Gibson Travis Gibson Cunningham, TN 6.19 0.538 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left Noah Popham Noah Popham Elkton, KY 7.29 0.553 -- --
WIN Right TAYLOR POFAHL TAYLOR POFAHL Goodletsville, TN 6.27 0.537 -- --

FootbrakeElimination Round 6

Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
Left TAYLOR POFAHL TAYLOR POFAHL Goodletsville, TN 6.28 0.514 -- --
WIN Right Travis Gibson Travis Gibson Cunningham, TN 6.21 0.508 -- --
Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left POFAHL TAYLOR POFAHL TAYLOR Goodletsville, TN 6.29 1.143 -- --

FootbrakeElimination Round 7

Lane Competitor DT RT ET MPH
WIN Left POFAHL TAYLOR POFAHL TAYLOR Goodletsville, TN 6.28 0.521 -- --
Right Travis Gibson Travis Gibson Cunningham, TN 6.20 0.535 -- --