![Kyle Shadden](https://dy5vgx5yyjho5.cloudfront.net/images/v2/header-dW7X9o6kOG4j2x666061.jpg)
![Kyle Shadden](https://dy5vgx5yyjho5.cloudfront.net/images/v3/profile-eF3I7f9hBxV5T4x858909.jpg)
Kyle Shadden
Dayton, TN
Driver Information
3rd generation driver...this is my first full year on dirt.Ive small tire drag raced for the past 15 years. My dad kind of helped me make the Decision to move to dirt and I'm glad I did. I have a great crew and my family is always by my side. I've also met some really great people over the years
Career Highlights
I would have to say the highlight of my career would be the reaction from my family when I got my first top 5 and my first win in 22 at Crossville Speedway
Most Memorable Moment
Winning rookie of the year at my home track. Mountain View Raceway
Anything to do with making something out of metal. Building cool hot rods.