John P Somers
John P Somers

John P Somers
Lexington, OK

Driver Information

No Information

No biography information available for this competitor.

Career Highlights

Points Title at Black Widow Speedway
Race at a 10,000 to win Race at Cherokee Speedway at Gaffney, South Carolina.
A lot Heat wins and Feature wins thru out my racing career.
Love watching my Son race.

Most Memorable Moment

Racing with my Dad.


College Football


  • TrackEnid Speedway
  • DriverKyle Petty
  • FoodBurritos from Taco Mayo
  • MovieDays of Thunder
  • SongWe will rock you by styxx
  • Sports TeamOklahoma Sooners
  • Speed ShopSpeedway Motors


  • RestaurantChilis
  • Fast FoodTaco Mayo
  • Gas StationOnque
  • Car ManufacturerCheverolet
  • BeverageCoke Zero
  • Parts StoreAutozone
  • HotelHoliday Inn