Help Desk


Topics on how to use the news feature of your website.

Adding News

To add news to your site start at the "All News" page. This link is usually found on the top menu labeled "News".

Here you will see a listing of your current news articles. Click the "Add News" link located toward the top left side of your screen.

Adding News Basics

Under the "News Article Information" section fill in the Heading, Date, and Body. You may also add a Credit to the news article if you wish to credit the author.

It is generally good practice to write your news articles in a word processing software such as Microsoft Word before adding them to your site. This gives you the ability to save the article while writing in case your web session times out before you have finished. Once you have written your article you can copy and paste the text into the Body section.


If tagging is available on your site you will want to select tags now. Tags help share the news article across the MRP network. Be sure to select the following tags:


This is the type of racing the news article is about.


If you are writing about a certain speedway or series select those here. This will allow your news article to show on the speedway or series' profile.


Select any drivers that the news article features. This will help share the article tot he drivers site, and their MRP Profile.


Selecting an event will do two things:
1. Show the events results at the bottom of the news article
2. Show the news article on the event profile.


Selecting a class will help share the news article across the MRP Network.


You may select 1 or more sponsors this news article relates to.


Misc tags will help users find similar news articles on a certain topic.

Article Media

You may add photos and videos to a news article under the "Article Media" section.
Clicking "Click to add media" will open the File Manager to select or upload an image or video. For more information please refer to the File Manager documentation.

After you are finished selecting media, you may close the File Manager.

The media items should populate in the Article Media section.

Preview and Publish

After you have added all the information to your news article, click the "Preview News" button at the bottom of the page. This will open up the News Preview window. This gives you a full overview of what your article will look like. Proofread and check everything here. Feel free to close the preview window if any changes need to be made. Once you are satisfied with your article, click "Publish News" at the bottom of the preview window. This will take you to the Single News view for your article.

Your news article is now active on your site.


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