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Topics on updating sponsor messages and using reports. "Not all websites & profiles have every tab in there navigation bar." If you need help with any other sponsor information email:

Adding & Editing Sponsor Messages

How to Add a Sponsor Message

Click on the "Sponsors" link on your admin navigation bar. This will bring a drop down box, from there click "Sponsor Messages." This will bring you to the Sponsor Management page as shown below.

From here you can see all of the sponsors on your site that are active. On the right hand side of all the Sponsors there is an "Edit Box" with a Pencil shown. Click this and it will take you to the screen shown below.

This box allows you to type 500 characters for your Sponsor Message. Your message can include a brief description about the company and what they do. When you have finished click "Save" and your message will be revealed on the Sponsors Page of your website or profile.

Editing an existing Sponsor Message

To edit your sponsor message click the "Edit Box" icon with a pencil on it. This box will allow you to edit any sponsor message. If there's any other edits needed for Sponsors please send us an email: we will be glad to help with these changes.


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