Thunder Hill Speedway
Thunder Hill Speedway

Thunder Hill Speedway
Menomonie, WI

2024 Driver Registration

REGISTRATION CLOSES: 114d 4h (12/31/2024 12:00 AM)

Select Competitor

Select the competitor to be registered.

New CompetitorRegister a new competitor not listed above

Select Class

Select the class to be registered.

Multiple classes for this competitor? Choose your first class and you'll copy in a later step.

(2) Rookie Cage
(3) R-Box/Res-Box Stock
(4) Jr. Wing/Box Stock
(5) Sportsman
(6)125/250 Wing
(7) Legends.Direct INEX Legends
(8) The Natural Touch Landscaping Micro Sprints
(8) Gopher Midget Racing Series
(7) Restricted Micro Sprints