Lernerville Speedway
Lernerville Speedway

Lernerville Speedway
Sarver, PA



Lernerville Speedway

Quick Results 8.27.21- Lynch Takes $4,000 Sprint Car Spectacular Payday; Ruhlman and Dobrosky find Victory Lane

Paul Arch Photo

Sarver, PA (August 28, 2021) There were fireworks in the air and an impressive field of cars in the pits on Friday night as the annual Sprint Car Spectacular presented by Peluso Roofing took center stage at The Action Track. And when the dust finally settled, Sye Lynch found himself in Terry Bowser Excavating Victory Lane holding the $4,000 novelty check by virtue of his victory in the 30-lap main event in Peoples Natural Gas Sprint Car action.

Chad Ruhlman ruled the RUSH Sprint Cars on hand Friday night, as he carved out his second win of the season at Lernerville and 32nd career win with the series. And in Allegheny Sprint Tour 305 Sprint Car action, veteran pilot Greg Dobrosky held off a hard charging Steve Kenawell Jr. while surviving several restarts in a caution filled 20-lap main event to collect his seventh career victory at Lernerville.

The Fab4 Revved Up with Marburger Farm Dairy returns next Friday night, September 3 with a special appearance by the Homak Penn Ohio Pro Stock tour who will be battling for a $3,500 top prize as part of their PSX series.

Peoples Natural Gas 410 Sprint Feature: (30 Laps/$4,000 to-win)

(42) Sye Lynch(11) Carl Bowser(23J) Jack Sodeman Jr.(6) Bob Felmlee(22) Brandon Spithaler(35) Jared Zimbardi(40) George Hobaugh(12) Darin Gallagher(46) Michael Bauer(08) Dan Kuriger(C1) Clay Riney(29M) Logan McCandless(13) Brandon Matus(33) Brent Matus(28) Tim Shaffer(7K) Dan Shetler(55*) Matt Sherlock(11J) David Kalb Jr.(2) AJ Flick(4K) Bill Kiley(21) Bryan Salisbury

(23) Darren Pifer- Did Not Start

RUSH Sprint Car Feature: (20 Laps)

(68) Chad Ruhlman(14) John Mollick(41) Rod George(24) Gale Ruth Jr.(18) Arnie Kent(43JR) Blaze Myers(12) Ryan Frayley(57) Tyler Newhart(9J) Zach Morrow(25) Nolan Groves(40) Brad Church(29) Brandon Shughart(1T) Ricky Tucker(62) Brian Cressley(20) Jeff Metsger

Allegheny Sprint Tour 305 Sprint Car Feature (20 Laps)

(88) Greg Dobrosky(17K) Steve Kenawell Jr.(78) Justin Clark(4J) Jake Gomola(5) John Walp(X7) Andy Cavanaugh(16) Jim Morris(21) Rob Felix(56) Steve Cousins(26) Ryan Lynn(21C) Jarrett Cavalet(20M) Vivian Jones(25) Jarrett Rosencrance(4G) Mike Hite(34) D.J. Cassler(80JR) Kyle Colwell(12G) Tommy Jasen(72) Mike Mathieson(4B) Walt Tutak Jr.

(82M) Roman Jones (DQ)

Ferguson Heating and Air Conditioning Heat 1 for Peoples Natural Gas Sprints:

(46) Michael Bauer(22) Brandon Spithaler(C1) Clay Riney(23J) Jack Sodeman Jr. (40) George Hobaugh(13) Brandon Matus(4K) Bill Kiley

(23) Darren Pifer “ Did Not Start

Action Track Podcast Heat 2 for Peoples Natural Gas Sprints

(6) Bob Felmlee(42) Sye Lynch(35) Jared Zimbardi(08) Dan Kuriger(29M) Logan McCandless(11J) David Kalb Jr. (55*) Matt Sherlock

Glassmere Fuel Service Heat 3 for Peoples Natural Gas Sprints:

(11) Carl Bowser(12) Darin Gallagher(2) AJ Flick(28) Tim Shaffer(7K) Dan Shetler(21) Bryan Salisbury(33) Brent Matus

Peluso Roofing Dash for Peoples Natural Gas Sprints

(11) Carl Bowser(6) Bob Felmlee(2) AJ Flick(42) Sye Lynch(23J) Jack Sodeman Jr.(46) Michael Bauer

#1Cochran Heat 1 for RUSH Sprint Cars

(24) Gale Ruth Jr. (43JR) Blaze Myers(14) John Mollick(25) Nolan Groves(40) Brad Church(29) Brandon Shughart(62) Brian Cressley(20) Jeff Metsger

GetPhil.com Heat 2 for RUSH Sprint Cars

(18) Arnie Kent(41) Rod George(68) Chad Ruhlman(9J) Zach Morrow(57N) Tyler Newhart(12) Ryan Frayley(1T) Ricky Tucker

McCutcheon Enterprises Heat 1 for Allegheny Sprint Tour 305s

(4J) Jake Gomola(56) Steve Cousins(5) John Walp(21) Rob Felix(20M) Vivian Jones(26) Ryan Lynn(25) Jarrett Rosencrance(72) Mike Mathieson(4B) Walt Tutak Jr. (78) Justin Clark

Thermo Twin Windows Heat 2 for Allegheny Sprint Tour 305s

(X7) Andy Cavanaugh(88) Greg Dobrosky(17K) Steve Kenawell Jr. (34) DJ Cassler(12G) Tommy  Jasen(80JR) Kyle Colwell(21C) Jarrett Cavalet(4G) Mike Hite(82M) Roman Jones(16) Jim Morris

Peoples Natural Gas Sprint Car Time Trials Group A

(23J) Jack Sodeman Jr. - 13.840(46) Michael Bauer- 13.874(22) Brandon Spithaler- 14.135(C1) Clay Riney- 14.287(13) Brandon Matus- 14.388(40) George Hobaugh- 14.568(4K) Bill Kiley- 15.184

Peoples Natural Gas Sprint Car Time Trials Group B

(42) Sye Lynch- 13.013(6) Bob Felmlee- 13.503(35) Jared Zimbardi- 13.740(08) Dan Kuriger- 13.791(29M) Logan McCandless- 13.939(55*) Matt Sherlock-14.584(11J) David Kalb Jr.

Peoples Natural Gas Sprint Car Time Trials Group C

(2) AJ Flick- 13.363(12) Darin Gallagher- 13.450(11) Carl Bowser- 13.508(7K) Dan Shetler- 13.609(28) Tim Shaffer- 13.791(21) Bryan Salisbury- 13.921(33) Brent Matus- 14.112

RUSH Sprint Car Time Trials Group A

(24) Gale Ruth Jr.- 16.652(14) John Mollick- 16.962(25) Nolan Groves- 16.991(43JR) Blaze Myers- 17.453(20) Jeff Metsger- 17.744(29) Brandon Shughart- 18.041(62) Brian Cressley- 18.278(40) Brad Church- 18.344

RUSH Sprint Car Time Trials Group B

(41) Rod George- 16.836(68) Chad Ruhlman- 16.973(18) Arnie Kent- 16.974(57N) Tyler Newhart- 17.092(12) Ryan Frayley- 17.195(9J) Zach Morrow- 17.349(1T) Ricky Tucker- 18.283

Allegheny Sprint Tour 305 Sprint Time Trials Group A

(4J) Jake Gomola- 14.918(78) Justin Clark- 15.043(56) Steve Cousins- 15.114(5) John Walp- 15.357(21) Rob Felix- 15.364(72) Mike Mathieson- 15.488(26) Ryan Lynn- 15.646(20M) Vivian Jones- 15.817(4B) Walt Tutak Jr- 16.160

Allegheny Sprint Tour 305 Sprint Time Trials Group B

(17K) Steve Kenawell Jr.- 14.990(X7) Andy Cavanaugh- 14.994(88) Greg Dobrosky- 15.007(34) DJ Cassler- 15.083(12G) Tommy Jasen- 15.164(80JR) Kyle Colwell- 15.334(16) Jim Morris- 15.391(21) Jarrett Cavalet- 15.596(82M) Roman Jones- 15.612(4G) Mike Hite- 16.555

Car Count Total: 57

Peoples Natural Gas Sprints: 22

RUSH Sprint Cars: 15

Allegheny Sprint Tour 305 Sprint Cars: 20

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