Lernerville Speedway
Lernerville Speedway

Lernerville Speedway
Sarver, PA



Lernerville Speedway

Quick Results 5.25.18



Sprints:Kriess and Shetler lead em to green and AJ Flick comes out of nowhere to challenge for the lead within two laps...he's got it. . While Shetler Spplits Sodeman Jr and Kreiss in the early going. . Top three getting separation early. Sodeman secind between Flick out front and SHetler.  Caution for Scott Barris with four down. Scott Barris off the top of turn two.


Restart:  Same top three with Kreiss in fourth. Zimbardi looking strong in 6th. Will need a caution or to but is coming forward quick.    Flick into the lellappers with 8 laps down.  he's high and flying. .  Sodeman is looking to  slice into the lead.  Meanwhile Bova has moved from 18th to 9th. .  Caution.  ANdy Feil brings out the caution on lwith 11 laps oin the books.

Restart.  Sodeaman takes a run underneath Flick in urns three and four, Flick is Faster on TOp.   halfway home.   Kreiss ges off the top of turn twi and shuffles back.   Flick is stretching out.... it could be closer. .  He approaches llapped traffic again, it's Sodeman's only hope and Flick works it to perfection as Matus gives Shetler a run for third. . Handful of laps left  Flick is with a straightaway advantage.


Late Models:

Ed Free and Dave Hess Start on row one. It takes hess less than a lap to jump on top and take command of the field followed by Pegher, , Ferree and an onoming Colton Flinner.  Meanwhile Chib Frank and Mike Norris are making their way to the front.  Out Front...it's all Hess. Caution for Phillis.   Caution for Tony Musolino.  Si laps down. Anothe caution.   for Pegher this time!


Restart. Flinner makes a move on the bottom, goes underneath Chub Frank for thierd. . Flinner and Norris are door handle to door handle. Flinner takes second awy from Norris . Norris up top, Flinner down on the bottom. .   The battle for second is intense and Norris is on Dave Hess for the lead.   Norris pounding the top side. .  he moves down low to get Hess but dit does not work. He is back up top. halfway home.  .  Frank now takes looks on the outside of Flinner. .  Frank around Hess.  on lap 13. .  Lappers for Hess with 13 down, Norris is reeling him in.


Norris has Hess at the flagstand and just as he took the lead  the caution comes out for Tony Musolino.  Norris got underneath him in turn two to get by, hess makes it a race in turns three and four. but. to no avail.   Norris will elect bottom for restart


. Hess tries top side and sets his sights on Norris with four to go.   four laps down.  Norris will get one more chance.


Norris is untouchable. Frank and Hess battle hard for second but neither can catch MiNorris.   Hess  is close in turn four  but rinning out of time. We go overtime.  Chip Walsh spins on the last set of turns in front of oncoming traffic coming out of turn four. We will have overtime.  Norris Slams the door on an oncoming Chub Frank!


Mollick is out othe the early lead with Murdick and Garrett Krummert close behind. .  two cautions wone lap down.  Restart. Krummert to the lead. Williamson hading upstairs  on lap four and he's not even making it  look too hard. He moves around Shingledecker for fourth.




Krummer is holding on for dear livfe with 10 laps down.  . Lappers coming into play. . He's gone Krummert now going away, but will not be able to catch .  Meanwhile, th ebattle between. Shingledecker and Mollick for third has been impressive. Williamson is a rocketship. . . Mollick pulls away but is no closer to hunding down Krummert with 177 laps down. . Murdick  gets around him for fourth. Williamson with a full straight lead with 18 laps down.


Mike Bordt leads em to green.  and it doesn't  take long for Schneider to take th elead but Brunell is splitting cars on his way to the front. as Mc Pherson gets shuffled back in the bpack.  Brunell passes Bordt for second with three laps down and he's setting his sights on Schneider out front. .  Dietz now emerges third with four laps down. . Five laps down, throw a blanket over them.  McPherson is mired. .    Schneider on top,  Brunell taking looks under him in the turns, Dietz taking looks under both of them in the turns, top three are running very close. . Dietz is using momentum off the bottom in four to his advantabge. , he passes Brunell with seven laps down. . in lappers, Dietz is having to make his way through and loses his mometum. . . halfway home. .  Schneider is  still hanging on up front. .  Brunell makes his way back around. . Brunell takes the lead coming out of turn two with 12 laps down on the high side. Dietz then dives under Schneider. it's a drag race between Dietz and Brunell.   Dietz moved when he had to but once in clean air. he's the  tclass of the field. . he'll have one more battle with lappers as Scot Byers is looking to shuffle back to  fourth. .. Dietz will cruise to the win unless there's a miracle

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