Lake Ozark Speedway
First Responders Night at Lake Ozark Speedway Rescheduled for Saturday, July 27th
Eldon, MO. (7/10/23) Due to unforeseen scheduling conflicts, Lake Ozark Speedway officials have rescheduled the next racing event for Saturday, July 27th that will continue to honor the heroes that serve the local surrounding communities with First Responders Night of adrenaline-filled enjoyment at ‘The Lake’.
All First Responders including Police, Firemen, Paramedics, EMTs, Nurses, Doctors, Ambulance Personnel, Guards, and Security will receive FREE Admission for Saturday, July 27th with verification of service from a badge or employee identification.
Sanctioned classes to compete in the First Responders Night at the Races at Lake Ozark Speedway on Saturday, July 27th will include the POWRi-sanctioned A-Mod, Midwest Mod, B-Mod, Pure Stock, and Hornet divisions, competitors can find the registration online at https://www.myracepass.com/sanctions/1011/registrations/
Saturday, July 27 | Lake Ozark Speedway Details:
Pits Open: 2:00 PM
Driver Registration: 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
General Admission: 5:00 PM
Driver's Meeting: 6:00 PM
Hot Laps 6:45 PM
Racing to Follow
Full event details including prices can be found online at https://www.myracepass.com/events/503712.
Ticket options are available for purchase online at https://www.myracepass.com/tracks/1863/tickets/1390545.
The schedule is subject to alterations and cancelations with TBA events being finalized, future updates will be posted as confirmed. Full class details and rules for individual events can be found online at http://www.lakeozarkspeedway.net/rules/.
More details for individualized events will be released as the date approaches, continue to follow the website and social media for track updates and news. Tickets can be purchased under the “Get Tickets” tab in the schedule section of the Lake Ozark Speedway website.
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Follow along for more information on POWRi and items such as race recaps, updates, full results, and press releases online at www.powri.com, or on Facebook at POWRi.
For more information on Lake Ozark Speedway such as points, driver profiles, and track data visit www.lakeozarkspeedway.net or @LakeOzarkSpeedway on all social media platforms | 50 Twiggy Lane Eldon, MO 65026 | 314-267-4944.
Photo Credit: Alan Rauba Photography
Submitted By: Cassy Staley