Golden Isles Speedway
Golden Isles Speedway

Golden Isles Speedway
Waynesville, GA

Season opener set for March 24th and 25th


Golden Isles Speedway

Season opener set for March 24th and 25th

With the Super Bowl of Racing behind us , next up is the start of our regular season with an open practice set for 3/24 and a full show on 3/25 and we will close the season in October with our annual Showdown on the Coast 10k to win CRUSA race.
2023 tentative schedule:

March 24th - Open Practice
25th - "Set it Off" season opener
602,604,SuperStreet,Street Stock and Crown Vic

April 7th - Open Practice
8th - Top Gun Sprints $1200 to win, plus Enduro, Street Stock and
27th - Borderline Brawl practice
28th - Borderline Brawl Round 7 - prelims - Enduros plus 602's
29th - Borderline Brawl Round 7 - Enduros, plus 604's and Crown Vic

May 19th - Open Practice
20th - 604,602,Enduro ,Crown Vic, SuperStreet and Street Stock

June 23rd - Open Practice
24th - 604, 602 , Enduro ,Street Stock, SuperStreet and Crown Vic

July 7th - Open Practice
8th - Stock Stars - Enduro, SuperStreet, Street Stock and Crown Vic
28th - Open Practice -
29th - 5k to win CRUSA 604, 602 and Enduro

August 4th - Open Practice
5th - Top Gun Sprints $1200 to win, Plus 604, Enduro and Crown Vic
25th - Open Practice
26th - 2k to win Modified Mafia, 602,Street Stock and SuperStreet

September 1st - Open Practice -
2nd - 604,SuperStreet, Street Stock and Crown Vic
29th - Open Practice
30th - Sharp Mini Late Models plus 602, Enduros and Crown Vic

Showdown on the Coast
October 12th - Open Practice
13th -Prelim night CRUSA 604 and 602 - qualifying and heats
14th - 10k to win CRUSA 604, 602 B mains and feature, plus
Enduros and Crown Vics

We look forward to seeing everyone out here again , lets kick the 2023 season off strong at our season opener " Set it Off" March 25th!
Any questions or concerns feel free to contact the office at 912-386-0061.
Camping -

Submitted By: Amber Bronson

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