Auto City Speedway
2011 Rule Amendments for all classes
ACSS Class 2011 Rule amendments:{nl} {nl}Race cars that enter the Tech garage and are placed on the scales for official weighing,{nl} WILL NOT be allowed to touch there car after they roll off the scales. The driver will remove himself{nl} From car and all measurements will be done at that time.{nl} {nl}11’ Crank center rule will be measured at the FRONT of the crank.{nl} {nl}The Ignition system wire harness that plugs into the MSD Ignition Box must use the STOCK MSD wire harness, and MUST be removable from the car with out cutting/splicing/breaking of the STOCK MSD Ignition Box. For 2011 AutoCity Tech Officials will, at random intervals, and random races supply a{nl}AutoCity MSD Box to the random driver/car. {nl} {nl}Rocker panel height is 4” ZERO Tolerance for 2011.{nl} {nl}Carbs are allowed to have 80541-1 or 80541-2 stamped on the main body.{nl} {nl}Shocks, maximum cost is 400$. AutoCity Tech Officials will, at random, impound race shocks. The shock will be inspected on site OR sent to a lab and evaluated as to the true cost of the specific shock. ALL shocks will be returned by the following Wednesday. {nl} {nl}Race cars with NO cup seals on oil pan will start main event at BACK of the field, regardless of Q, time.
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