![First Piece of News in the News](https://dy5vgx5yyjho5.cloudfront.net/images/v2/1200x1200-N6u5cIA7txx303071.jpg)
American Ethanol Dirt Racing Group
First Piece of News in the News
Our second season is fast approaching us and we are working on lots of things. If you are reading this article than you have obviously found the new Tour Website. As i am designing it myself with no experience there will be a learning curve but i am up for it. By building it myself it saves me money in the budget for other things like the increased purses you see this year. This is one small piece to the puzzle on what we want to accomplish as it pertains to marketing this year but it's a start.
Flipping through the site you will find a pretty typical set up with the tabs across
the top. Having the most recent news?and or race highlights on the Homepage. These articles will move to the News tab once newer articles come in.
The schedule? tab has all our dates with track names on them and if you click on
the track names it will take you to the tracks website information page to get the address if it's one you have never been at.
Points Standings ?will for now be a link to our My Race Pass software page which will show all the points standing. I will later try to incorporate this info directly into the site, but it will be a link for now.
Race Results ?I'm still working on this portion but thinking about having a tab that when you click on the event/date it takes you to the results page of my race pass.
The race day lineups?tab is also just a link i may change it to a button on the
homepage, what this will do is let you look at live lineups on race day. This is helpful for drivers and fun for the fans to keep track of what's going on and actually helps things move smoothly in the pits.
Tour info’s ?tab will have everything from race procedures, to payouts as well as a link to the UMP rules.
Tour Drivers?This is a tab i'm going to be working on to highlight the guys that
sign up to run the full tour. Ill be including a bio of each driver as well as keeping it up to date on how they finish each night. This is something a little different but i think it could be cool.
Finally Tour Registration?. On the home screen there is a tour registration button.This is for the drivers to us to actually sign up to run the full tour and qualify for the points fund.
That's it for now. Any questions or feedback feel free to reach me on the facebook page, or through the contact tab. My email is nrice@cgbioenergy.com and my office number 616-374-3670.
Submitted By: Anthony Boyd