Jaron Dunthorn
Jaron Dunthorn

Jaron Dunthorn
Idaho Falls, ID

Driver Information

No Information

No biography information available for this competitor.

Career Highlights

got the Hardluck award

2- 2nd place trophys
2- 3rd place trophys
finished out the year getting 2nd place championship points and get the hard luck award also

driving new car
2- 2nd place trophys
3- 3rd place trophys
3 first place trohpys
Finished the year with 2nd in points. Was able to get my 3 wins at the last few races of the year.


Most Memorable Moment

When i got my first win ever. that was a great feeling and great day.


snowboard in the winter.
racing in the summer


  • Trackidaho falls raceway
  • DriverDale Earnhardt sr.
  • MovieLady driver, any thing that has dirt racing
  • Speed Shopspeedway motors


  • Restauranttexas roadhouse
  • Fast Foodmcdonalds, Carls jr
  • Gas Stationmaverik
  • Car Manufacturercheverlot and honda
  • Beveragemtn dew
  • Parts Storeoreillys