Buddy Luebke
Buddy Luebke

Buddy Luebke

bulldog motorsports teams up with OUT-PACE RACE PRODUCTS to run the first ever BMARA 2.4L RACE.


Buddy Luebke

bulldog motorsports teams up with OUT-PACE RACE PRODUCTS to run the first ever BMARA 2.4L RACE.

Buddy L. was behind the wheel of the #43 OUT-PACE Race products special at the first BMARA 2.4L race at the famed Angell park speedway last sunday. things started off well leading the heat race for most of the race until break problems slowed the OUT-PACE Race products special and allowed the North Pole Nightmare ( Billy Balog ) to pass. Buddy was able to hold on to finish 2nd in the heat. The BullDog Motorsports crew was able to make the necessary repairs which allowed Buddy to start the main event but the time spent on repairs took away from time to adjust the setup and Buddy finished the A-Main in the 6th spot. The BullDog Motorsports team looks forward to the Fathers day race at Sun Prairie on June 21st. BullDog Motorsports invites all fans to stop by after the race for a picture in the #43 car. THANK YOU TO ALL THE FANS for coming out last weekend in the cold.

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